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it's over. the tiring job. i worked in a coca cola company, i was in the production line. =D
though in total, i only worked for 5 1/3 days, i had gotten much experiences. it's gd to learn new things. it's good lor. the pay is $5.5/hr, i worked 12 hrs a day, from 7.30 am to 7.30pm. the supervisor is a man, with a slightly big belly and is bald, looks shiny from afar. haha.

money is also 实力。yes intead.

high,, relax relax, ahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah, calm down.
yes woman. man.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
+ + +

26 jan, a positive start =)
yes man. it's a nice day.
i woke early this morning as what i promised last night, at 7+ am. after breakfast(porridge, tranditional china breakfast, the best of all.=D) i went to the nearby park to exercise. i managed to run 2 laps, should be more than 1km ba. the build up of lactic acid in my calf muscles was rapid, caused the feeling of sour and lethagy. but i perservere and continued to finish 2 laps.
then, i went to hang myself on the pull-up bars, by using my hands to grip onto it, it's say to be the gravity could help to pull my body down and i can grow taller. yes i can. cos michael jordan has grown up by 28cm by just simply his will power to play basketball in university. i admired him so much, he's my idol. haha

back home to bath and went for shooting training. Champions are made during trainings and not during the competition. when u are gd in training, u will perform well in competition. attiude and skill, wat do u think are their percentages needed for champion. they are both 100%.

if u cant improve with ur old training methods, then change! cos same action goes back to same result. so change ur method and do wat the champions do, u do wat they do and u can succeed.
therefore, i am going to do it. going to dry fire for 2 hrs. where the normal shooters( students) only train less than half an hr, their live firing are not so effective yet, so live firing may = wasting pellets. dry fire not only improves ur fundamental skills and also ur patience.

my goals:
1)train hard and be a world standard shooter, aiming to qualify for 2012 london olympics. =D
2) study EL and go for O lv and A lv(GP), i want to score A for both. i can do it. already starting now!!!
3) i want to be peggy,zinzin and yanran, their trustworthy+ best friend. 努力=)
4)i want to grow taller till 180cm.
5) i want reduce my mass by 10kg.

tt's all for tonite.

loves( friendship, loveship,kinship)
bocan ;)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
+ + +

25 jan, 1 month after christmas.
back to 1 month ago, it's christmas. it brought me back to the beautiful memories i had made. of course, present was the first thing came to the mind. i bought a present for my friend. it's a suit delicate earings, consisting of 3 pairs, ranged from small to bigger sized earings. it's deep-pink in colour, very nice. she say she will wear it but dont know has she worn it after 1 whole month. i hope she does. hehe. it's never been easy to make a friend, a good friend who u can rely on. now, i am trying very hard to make myself to be her reliable friend and she be mine too.

from what i think, friendship is also very delicate, u got to maintain it well. be truthful to ur friend from the bottom of ur heart. different ppl got different style. =)

reflection of the day.
i am very good, fantastic, make lots of improvement and will be better tomorrow. =)
i didnot play computer games today.
i do things i want immediately without any hesitation.
i made decisions correctly.
i went to library to read english newspaper, check on the difficult words i came across.
i read aloud out 4 pages from e story bk, " the whole truth" by david baldacci.
i will become better tomorrow. YES MAN. YES,YES AND YES.


improvement to be made.
wake up earlier tomorrow, 7am.
continue to go library to read newspaper
sit up straight
grow taller till 180cm
be even more positive
立即行动 =】


Monday, January 25, 2010
+ + +

how do u make friends. it's simple, just like him or her.
like is to appreciate someone, love is alot of like.
to make friends, it is easy.
1) to respect her
2) make her important,
3)listen to her
4) agree to her decisions, do not disagree so fast

做人, 四思后行

Sunday, December 6, 2009
+ + +

life is full of colour only when u start to draw on it on ur own. not the old colours, old images that u know, but something that is new, innovative and fancinating!!
start to do something new NOW!!! Stop being in what u were in the past. we got to live on, be loveable and capable. do some things that are meaningful and valued.

i, being a shooter(射击} for 4 years le. something that i have which have surpass the normal people is: concentration, positive attitude, great stamina, sportsmanship and hard work/effort.
some people are born great. greatness made some people.
hero made times or times made hero. our destiny lies in our own hands, we have to grab it hard/soft, do things to change it.

actually all of us are capable, just that IF u want to do it or NOt!! that's all.
out in the world, they are foolish idiots/clowns tt do all sorts of dumb things. the word is ignorance. just ignore them.

last word: 以诚对人,施恩末望报,三思而后行也。

Saturday, July 18, 2009
+ + +

BoCan 17
bold underline strike italics

8 A1s

  • 4E5

    July 2009 December 2009 January 2010

    images animepaper
    Spacecat (If anyone knows the link to this person, please tell me!)
    textures x x x
    designed by slayerette
